O, how I love thee

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In the environs of the outskirts of Stratford of Prince Edward Island, where our tale unfolds, where the passion for academia will be the undoing of two young lovers.

It is the beginning of the summer break and the children of Daniel and Lizzie Barthalomew are at home much to the satisfaction of both parents. The mother for their companionship and father for their help on the farm. The two children, John twenty and Juliette eighteen have done very well at school. Both children are currently attending universities in Nova Scotia. Juliette is a particularly precocious child, academic subjects are the love of her life. She is currently attending Dalhousie University. Her passion in life is to be curled up with a novel.

The father is the proprietor of a large farm, in fact one of the largest in PEI. The parent’s hope, is one day the children will inherit the farm between them. But they have their doubts about their daughter, this is like trying to mix water and oil. Both children have their own cars, so they are completely independent. They are settling into their respective chores, John with the knowledge that one day the farm will be his. But for Juliette it’s just a means to an end, but she loves her parents so she takes her work seriously.

Her sights are set on getting her PhD. in Literature and becoming a professor at Dalhousie University and nobody doubts she’ll do it.

The farm consists of sixty heifers, thirty milking cows, about sixty pigs and fifty hens. It employed some twenty people, including office staff.

It’s Monday morning and everyone is seated around the breakfast table and father says, “Well, I guess everyone knows what they have to do?” “I’m looking after the milkers.” says Julie “And I’m doing the heifers.” says John. “We should do well this year with the beef cattle, the prices on the futures markets are going through the roof. I hope it stays that way.” says father. “O, I’m sure it will dad.” says mother. John, spends his summer vacation helping his father look after the farm. He is a round peg in a round hole. Julie, diligently does her chores. When she isn’t doing this, life finds her at the library doing research for her dissertation or dating Albert. Mother’s constant mantra to John, get out and get yourself a woman, son.

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!

Red farm buildings with rising sun and grass field.

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