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Memories,5 / 5 ( 1votes )

A familiar silhouette in the shopping mall.
A magazine cover in the bookstore.
The bookstore itself.
The faint scent of him, that catches you by surprise.
A laugh that sounds exactly the same,
you freeze in your tracks.
The voice, a few seats over,
ordering a dirty vodka martini.
A photograph you come upon by accident while looking for something unrelated.
That’s all it takes.
To transcend the spectrum of emotions that take you from even keeled, easy going, normalcy,
– to gut wrenching pain, mixed with anger.
You feel those sharp little chards of glass,
the broken pieces of your heart stirring again.
You pull yourself together.
You look at the photo with maturity, and strength.
…and remember the day you were behind the lens, sitting at the little table, alongside the water, in a foreign, but familiar place – with a smile in your heart and love in the air.


Two glasses of lemonade and a straw hat on a table

Happily retired, living in Lanark Highlands on the Mississippi River with her husband, and two dogs. Marlene has been blessed with two grown children, and a beautiful grand daughter. She has been fortunate to be able to pursue her artistic passions, which include oil painting, quilting, and writing. Currently working on her family tree, and writing her life stories that have taken shape through collections, and oddities from her travels, heirlooms, and beautiful human beings that she has crossed paths with over the decades.
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