Las Vegas

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What is there about Las Vegas? Why is it considered such a magical location? Some call it the City of Lights. Some call it Sin City. Everyone knows the age-old adage: “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Personally, I’ve never had any interest in going there. I don’t like gambling, or bright lights, or loud noises and have no great interest in seeing big shows.

My Lady Friend, on the other hand, loves the place. She’s been there several times and vowed to take me there some day.

Well that day arose a few weeks back. A family member was going to Vegas for a special wedding anniversary, and friends and family from all across Canada planned to celebrate with her.

My Lady took care of the arrangements. Most folks were staying at the Excalibur because it was Kid friendly. We chose the same because, apparently, the distance between Hotel/Casinos could be quite daunting. The entire Westjet package was very reasonable. Our actual travel was challenging but only because of the nasty northern weather that just wouldn’t go away.

We arrived Sunday afternoon and faced a line-up of hundreds of folks all checking in at the same time. There was a lot of staff, though, and we chatted with friends and in no time at all we had our keys. We had an upgrade from the Resort Tower to the Royal Tower. Nicer room and great view of the castle. Being a long-standing Arthurian and D&D fan, I was beginning to like the place.

Las Vegas

We found a bar just off Reception and sipped on a 16 oz Bud Light for the outrageous price of US$ 9.50. Ouch. The rest of the evening was whiled away with family.

Monday morning we were up at seven. We decided to pop down to Starbucks for a coffee and a nibble, and conduct our morning ablutions thereafter. Almost 30 dollars later, we started to head for our room but noticed a sign for shops on the Castle Walk one floor up. Off we went to explore.

Fast food galore. Tony shops. Souvenir stores. You name it. There was everything there. Including a dragon and fairy boutique that kept us enchanted for an hour. Just outside was a sign saying “Moving Walk To Luxor.” Well I felt like I’d just arrived in ancient Egypt: pyramid, sphinx and on and on.

We were on a roll so continued to the fabulous shops of Mandalay. There was a sports store with none other than Pete Rose signing pictures for $100 a pop. Another sign advised that Bobby Hull would be coming to town next week.

Best of all, we found a Guinness Store and an adjacent Irish Pub. Stylish hoodie only $40. Twenty-ounce pint of Guinness for $7.50. Definitely a Vegas bargain. Time was rushing by so we retraced our steps.

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